June 19, 2024

Honorary Colonel Scott Tod

Honorary Colonel Scott Tod

22 Wing Honorary Colonel

Honorary Colonel Scott Tod

Scott Tod serves as the Chief of Police with the North Bay Police Service.  Prior to his time with the North Bay Police Service, Chief Tod served for 33 years with the Ontario Provincial Police service. Scott joined the OPP in 1982 and served in a variety of roles at detachments in northeastern Ontario and at OPP Regional Headquarters and General Headquarters. His service includes such duties as patrol officer, in-service training, fraud investigations, Major Crimes and Executive support.

He was appointed as the OPP Deputy Commissioner, Investigations and Organized Crime, in November 2010 and provided leadership and command of specialized police functions and criminal investigations, including Organized Crime, Intelligence, Behavioural Sciences, Anti-Terrorism, Drug Enforcement, Cybercrime, Professional Standards, Alcohol and Gambling enforcement and Forensics Identification. In 2006, he received the Award of Excellence from the Commissioner of the Competition Bureau of Canada for his work in the area of mass marketing fraud with National Mass Marketing Fraud working group.  Chief Tod has been a member and Chair of many provincial, national and international committees regarding Counter Terrorism, Organized Crime and Cybercrime.  He was a member and Co-Chair Chair for the Canadian Integrated Response to Organized Crime, the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police (CACP) Counter Terrorism and National Security Committee and remains the Co-Chair of the CACP ECrimes Committee.

Scott and Nancy have been married for 39 years and are proud of the accomplishments of their children. In his time away from work Scott enjoys travelling with his family and making many weak attempts at the game of golf.  He is fortunate to be surrounded in his life with a wonderful family, great friends and the companionship of Ben his brown Labrador retriever.